
Obama had a choice this week. He could show his support for the international struggle of any man to be free, or could try and warm over relations with the inhumane communist regime in control of China. Sadly he chose the later. The Tibetten people have for many decades now peacefully resisted against the communist government that has claimed control of their lands and decreed their religious beliefs as illegal. I will openly and proudly admit that I am a conservative and that I have many a difference with Obama on political philosophy, but this is an issue of basic human rights that should transcend the American Liberal Vs. Conservative positions. There is many a Republican that has looked the other way of China's immoral dictatorship for the interest of potential trade, but I don't understand why the Democrats are consistently turning their heads as well. The only real hope is that the common individual citizen voter will take it upon themselves to say "enough is enough". This nation that we love was founded on the ideal of certain inalienable rights and if we aren't going to stand up for those the 'great experiment' has already failed.

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